UCI Art Galleries Return to In-Person Shows with Three Remarkable Exhibitions

UCI Art Galleries Return to In-Person Shows with Three Remarkable Exhibitions
The University Art Galleries (UAG) and Beall Center for Art + Technology at the UCI Claire Trevor School of the Arts return to in-person shows for the first time in 18 months, hosting three professional exhibitions featuring six notable artists. UCI Art M.F.A. students will also open their studios to the public to round out this return to happenings on campus.
2-5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 9, 2021, at the UAG, Beall Center, and Contemporary Arts Center. Mesa Parking Structure (4002 Mesa Road, Irvine, CA 92617. Parking $10-$15.)
Media planning to attend should contact Jaime DeJong at 949-824-2189 or jdejong@uci.edu. Parking is complimentary for media who RSVP in advance. Due to COVID restrictions, protective facemasks are required inside of the galleries and studios.
CAC/Room Revolution Everywhere: Thresholds of Resistance
Book launch for like the delayed rays of a star
UAG The Messiah Triangle
BEALL Ian Ingram
CAC M.F.A. Open Studios
Light refreshments will be served
The Contemporary Arts Center (CAC) Gallery and Room will host Revolution Everywhere: Thresholds of Resistance curated by Juli Carson, professor of art. The exhibition features three large-scale installations by Panos Aprahamian, Heather M. O’Brien and Simon Liu, whose artworks have been shaped by the recent revolutions taking place in Lebanon and Hong Kong. There will be an accompanying book launch for like the delayed rays of a star by artist Heather M. O’Brien.
The UAG will host The Messiah Triangle by Michael Moshe Dahan. The exhibition interrogates Judaism, Christianity and Islam religious and nationalist conflicts through a film installation featuring actor-activist Juliano Mer-Khamis.
The Beall Center for Art + Technology will host a mid-career survey by artist Ian Ingram. Ingram’s art explores animal morphology, robotic avatars, interspecies communication, and technology in natural environments.
In addition to the three exhibitions, the first through third-year M.F.A. cohorts will open their studio doors for visitors to peek inside the world of UCI Art graduate students. Explore the spaces and speak with student artists for a unique studio experience.
(Press kits are hyperlinked to the various shows/events above.)
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