Radio Plays Listening Party
Radio Plays Listening Party
Led by UCI Drama professor Juliette Carrillo, and performed by UCI Drama students
June 1 & 3, 2020
via Zoom
What to do when you can no longer write and present plays in-person during a pandemic?
UCI Drama’s Prof. Juliette Carrillo had to answer that question for her students. The decision she made created the opportunity to learn what some consider a lost art, radio plays. Experience what the students created as works-in-progress at our “Listening Party.”
June 1, 2020, 12:00-2:00 p.m.
via Zoom: connect with your account here
(Meeting ID: 99464403328)
Enjoy plays from student writers, including:
- Erick Medina
- Cassandra Bridges
- Karren Shamo
- Daniel Combs
- Josh Bauser
- Audrey Napoli
- Fountine Zhao
- Matthew Byrd
- Emily Saxon
- Elisa Alvarez
This event is presented live, in real-time.
June 3, 2020, 12:00-2:00 p.m.
via Zoom: connect with your account here
(Meeting ID: 95382378915)
Enjoy plays from student writers, including:
- Daniel Betts
- Ilana Degann
- Erika Clark
- Jialai Zhou
- Bryan Vartanian
- Melissa Castillo
- Alex Gevorkian
- Franchesca Bottazzi Menegon
- Alexis Dejoy
This event is presented live, in real-time.
June 3, 2020, 3:30-4:40 p.m.
via Zoom: connect with your account here.
(Meeting ID: 97691555304)
Directing Language-Driven Plays present their final projects---creatively imagined zoom scenes and audio scenes from authors such as Lorca, Sophocles, Marlowe, Wilde, Euripides, etc.
This event is presented live, in real-time.
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