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  1. UCI Irvine's CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF Elevates Production with Professional Chops; Runs 12/6-14

    ... Broadway World Los Angeles - Click to read the article... No Wednesday, December ...

    In the News - 2020-10-15 18:41

  2. The Dance Department does it Again with “Dance Escape”

    ... and the... New University - Click to read article... No Friday, April 24, ...

    In the News - 2020-10-15 18:08

  3. UCI's first fine arts dean, Clayton Garrison, dies at 93

    ... in 1964, luring... Daily Pilot - Click to read article... No Wednesday, August 12, ...

    In the News - 2020-10-15 17:11

  4. Art and biology mix at new UC Irvine exhibit

    ... works created by... Daily Pilot - Click to read article... No Friday, February 5, ...

    In the News - 2020-10-15 17:20

  5. Theater setting gives the Bard that extra something

    ... by Paul R. Kennedy) Daily Pilot - Click to read article... Yes Saturday, July 7, ...

    In the News - 2016-07-08 12:30